Runtime Entities
Basic Concepts
The runtime is software environment available during the digger run. This environment consists of several contexts, and a digger, being started, is always in one of them at any time:
Digger Context - The digger has not yet loaded the page or has already left the scope of the previously loaded page.
Page Context - The digger has loaded the page and is in the scope of this page.
Block Context - The digger has loaded the page, moved to a specific block on the page and is in the scope of this block.
Form Context - The digger has loaded the page, has moved to a specific form on the page and is in the scope of this form.
A digger can be in a few contexts at the same time. So, for example, while the digger is running, it is always in a Digger Context, and as soon as it loads any page it goes into a Page Context and at the same time it is still in a Digger Context. Next, the scraper algorithm goes into the HTML node and falls into the Block Context, remaining at the same time in a Page and Digger Context. Depending on the context digger can interact with different entities and execute different commands with various options, selection of which may also depends on the context. Entities can be context-sensitive and context-independent. Context-independent entities does not change values when context is changed and remains intact until its changed manually.
To better understanding, please take a look at the picture below.

You can not change the configuration while the digger is running.
It is necessary to stop the digger, make the required changes and start again.